Here are the most exclusive website
Hello guys ! have you ever know this website ? yes, a website that allowed only one visitor every 60 seconds. This website can be used to promote well.
Normally a website visitor does not have limits, so visitors can visit anytime and also we did not have to queue and take a ticket like at the train station.
But unique, this website make visitors waiting queue, sometimes queue ahead 20-40 unfilled so we had to wait for approximately 20-40 minutes. But fortunately, I only found a queue 2-5 only. :D
I have also tried it out of curiosity and it turned out I was successful after waiting. But sorry because I will not upload the results after waiting, because you will know it and do not visit the website.
How to ?:
1. Visit this website Here
2. Enter the name
3. Click "Take Ticket #99999"
4. Please wait queue
REMEMBER: Do not close the website and disconnect the Internet because your ticket will be forfeited in vain and this is not a joke / prank.
Thank you guys .
Satrio , Happy Independence day of indonesia ! MERDEKA !
A Mystery :D